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Create Easy Student to Student Gifts to Build Class Community this Holiday

Happy almost December, friends! One of my favorite crafts and community building activities just got a little TLC in the Smitten with Teaching Store, so I wanted to share all about its benefits for your classroom!

I love to read "A Wish to be a Christmas Tree" by Colleen Monroe with my students. So many of us see the the beauty and feel the joy a Christmas tree brings us. This story talks about how one tree struggles to see its own value as it waits to be chosen. Then, he finds there are so many people that see how lovely he already is.

This craft evokes those same feelings, as so many of us struggle to see how absolutely spectacular we are, or how absolutely spectacularly our loved ones view us.

Students get to create their own self love tree, or you can assign students partners to give each other a deeply meaningful holiday gift - a tree full of compliments about each other!!

This craft allows students to demonstrate their understanding of adjectives and/or compliments while practicing fine motor skills such as coloring, cutting, gluing, and writing.

If you're looking for gifts to send home to families - you can have students choose a loved one to make their tree about!

The options are endless!! How will your students use this?

Pop over to instagram to tag me in any pictures using this craft.

Click the picture below to gain access to this craft/activity!

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