It's been since MARCH that I last wrote a blog post, and if you follow me over on Insta, then you know why I've been so MIA. I'm so excited to hop back into my love for sharing teacher tips, ideas, and resources while juggling all of the new excitement in my personal life.
I decided that the best place to start was with math fluency. My students and I were all about math fluency in May and June since we were about done with our guided curriculum. Oh my goodness, I already miss my babies so much!! Anyhow, these were some of our absolute favorite games to play.
We played these sporadically throughout the weeks, in both small group and whole class settings, and also practiced our math dash sheets on Fridays. Let me tell you, I saw amazing progress with each of my kiddos and their math fluency. It was such a goal of mine to help them improve their fluency because I believe this ultimately leads to confidence surrounding math...even I feel like a math wiz when I'm able to do some fast math.
We all know how to play this one, right? Using these BINGO boards, my students tried to get three in a row for the addition problems I called out using my flash cards. Students are expected to find the sum and shout BINGO once they have three in a row. We practiced this mostly in a small group setting.
These are also available to be printed in black and white within the resource.
>>> Freeze dance
For this game, I simply opened up a blank power point and in large black print typed out math problems like 1 + 5. Students had the opportunity to solve while they danced and when the music stopped they froze and shouted out the answer. An alternative way to play would be to put blank dance screens in between the problems to display while they are dancing.
>>>Math Fluency Battle
My students and I used our math facts flash cards for this partner game. Simply have students flip over the card, and the first person to call out the correct answer gets to keep that card. I group students into homogenous pairs and make piles with addition within 5, or 10 depending on the level of challenge needed. I do have separate flash cards printed for this game, so that the answers are not visible for self checking on the back.
>>> Around the World
This one is a classic. Does everyone remember this from elementary school, or just me? In this game, the set up is student versus student. I write a math problem on the white board and flip it around. The first student to answer travels to their next opponent and around the room. If they get it wrong they sit down however far they traveled. To keep all of my students engaged, I encourage them to practice the math facts that I'm displaying even when it's not their turn, that way they're more prepared once we get to them.
>>> Leap Frog Math Facts/The Floor is Lava
Place math facts on index cards (I use the same flash cards I referenced earlier for previous games). Then, place the cards on the floor and have students hop from card to card, when teacher shouts "STOP YOUR HOPS" each student turns to their closest classmate to tell them their answer! To play "The Floor is Lava" version, simply switch up your phrasing. Have students walk, hop,
skip, etc. around classroom and when you shout "THE FLOOR IS LAVA" they need to find a card to stand on and solve.
>>> Write the Room Math Facts
Place math equations around the room. I use these flash cards and number them with vis a vis markers. Have students search the room or cards and write their answers to each on a piece of paper. Make sure everything is numbered so you can check work.
>>> Play Doh Smash
Students get their own color of play doh. Set an array of math fact cards out and have students take turns using small pieces of their play doh to smash onto a fact they know. If they student gets the sum/difference correct they get to keep their play doh on top of the card. You can make this more challenging by making students have to get their play doh in a row like tic-tac-toe.
>>> Buzzers
I received buzzers from a highlights order years ago, and in small groups, I write the white an equation on the white board and have students hit their buzzers to answer. A less noisy option could be to use these lights as buzzers instead.
>>> Spin the Marker
Place math fact flash cards in a circle. Have students spin a marker and solve the problem they land on.
>>> Over-Under
Have students stand in a line with a small pile of flash cards. The first student will solve the equation on top and once they get it correct they pass it to the next student under the legs. The next student will pass over the head, and on and on.
>>> Musical Chairs
Place a set number of chairs in the middle on the room. Place a flash card on each chair, and when the music stops, students need to find a seat. If they can answer the equation on the chair they get to keep their seat, if not they give it up to a student who is able to answer.
I found a bunch of JENGA pieces in my closet in May and decided it would be a great center opportunity for math fluency. Simply write equations on the JENGA pieces before having students play in a small group.
Which are you most excited to implement with your students this upcoming school year?
Some resources mentioned in this post are linked below. All resources can be found in my TpT store under Math Interventions: linked here.